Frizington Community Primary School

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Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

01946 810611

Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Reception
  3. Important Information for Reception Parents on the Reopening of School

Important Information for Reception Parents on the Reopening of School

10 June 2020 (by admin)

Good Morning

In line with our proposed phased reopening of the school, we are planning to reopen for the Reception Pupils on Monday 29th June.  To enable us to plan for staffing, we require an expression of your intent.  We are requesting this information slightly earlier than planned as the Y6 response has been greater than we anticipated and we want to ensure that we have appropriate planning in place both in terms of space and staffing.

Please could all Reception parents complete the questionnaire below by Midday Friday12th June, even if you do not want your child to return to School.  Please remember that the Government have stated that parents will not be held accountable if their child does not attend School.  We appreciate it is a difficult decision for families to make and respect your decision.

If we do not receive many requested places, we will not open for this cohort but may review at a later date.  Please note that this is not childcare and your child will be following the Reception curriculum and anything needed to support their emotional well-being. Dependent on numbers, unfortunately there may be no opportunity to join at a later date.  Seesaw tasks will still be set for children who are remaining at home. Based around the same learning.

Please remember if you are an essential worker or your child is classed as vulnerable (has a social worker or an EHCP) school is open daily for childcare.

More information is available on our Covid-19 Home/School agreement which you can find on the website under Parent Information/Covid-19 or by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please contact me on

Take Care

Mrs Rose