Frizington Community Primary School

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Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Update


19 March 2020 (by admin)

Dear Parent/Carer

An update as promised, following information given to Schools at 3:30pm.

Schools will be closed at home time tomorrow.  We will be sending out home learning packs for the children.  If your child is not in School, please make arrangements to collect - by someone who is not self-isolating. 

The LA will coordinate emergency childcare necessary for front-line health and social care workers.  Again, if this is something you require, please complete the survey before 11am tomorrow morning.  They are also including “vulnerable” children in this category - however, no guidance has been given yet, as to who this constitutes.    Schools will then be informed if they are required to stay open to facilitate childcare.  This is likely to be at our school, until a wider coordination of need is determined and the facilities identified and actioned.  By 5pm Friday, health and social care workers, will know where the location of their childcare facility will be for Monday.

The government are widening their “essential workers” category and this will be published later today.  As soon as we have any further information regarding childcare for these parents, we will be in touch.

Stay safe and well
