Frizington Community Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

01946 810611

Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter



To book for our Breakfast Club and/or Den, please use the links on the School Hub website.

Bookings for breakfast club can only be made on the website up to one day before the date.  Any other bookings need to be made through the School office and cannot be guaranteed.

Bookings for The Den, need to be made before 2pm on the day of booking for a guaranteed place.  Late bookings should be made through the School office.

The School Hub page can be accessed by clicking the picture link below.


Tax-Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare are Government subsidies to help the affordability of childcare for families. For the Tax-Free childcare, for every £8 you pay in, you automatically receive a top-up of £2. For the Universal Credit Childcare, you can claim back payments of up to 85% of your childcare costs.

You can check your eligibility by clicking the link here.

If you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare, you can use the support to help pay for before and after school childcare - Breakfast Club and Den. Unfortunately, the subsidy does not support after-school clubs.

Our School supports childcare vouchers from Eden Red, HMRC Tax-Free Childcare and ComputerShare. Evidence of these payments is required by email to the School office.

For further information, please use the link below.

Homepage | HMRC Childcare Choices