Frizington Community Primary School

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Main Street, Frizington, CA26 3PF

01946 810611

Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

Forest School At Frizington 

Forest School is a wonderful opportunity for our children to experience nature and the outdoors in a safe, secure and hands on way.  Our Forest School is in a small piece of local woodland.  The children in our Reception Class go to Forest School every other week and are encouraged to investigate, explore and respect the woodland. 

The Children in Years 1 to 6 also get the opportunity to return to Forest School for 6 sessions during a half term. 

Here at Frizington, we are so lucky with our location, being just minutes from woodland. We use a small patch of woodland near the school to explore the outdoors and take part in Forest School sessions. 

Look what our wildlife camera has spotted at Forest School when we weren't there!

Our Year 6 pupils attend Forest School in the second half of the Summer Term to achieve the John Muir Discovery Award.  This Award encourages the children to Discover a wild place, Explore it, Conserve it for the future and then Share what they have done with others. Over the past 5 years children have encouraged red squirrels and hedgehogs to come into our Forest school. They have provided homes for birds and bats, created  bug hotels and habitat piles. Obtaining their Discovery Award is a wonderful way to give the Children in our school accreditation for the outdoor learning that they do over their time with us.